TeenyBites' Blog

TeenyBites for everyone!

Happy Birthday Lyric! November 9, 2010

Filed under: Everything Else — mebejamiet @ 2:44 PM

First, I want to say Happy Birthday to Lyric! She is six-years-old today!

I baked a cake for her birthday…along with 24 cupcakes.

Lyric was supposed to take everything to school with her, but decided to keep the cake for herself! She did, however, take the cupcakes to her class!

This whole ordeal was a mess…and it wasn’t my fault!

Lyric’s mother, who will remain un-named, told me that Lyric’s birthday was on November 4th and that she wanted the cake on the 3rd.

No problem.

Except there was a problem.

Lyric’s birthday is today, November 9th! Oh well. Lyric had a cake and cupcakes a week in advance.

Her mom is so silly.

Anyhow, Lyric loved the cake and cupcakes and I wanted to share them with you guys.


Happy Late Halloween! November 1, 2010

Filed under: TeenyBites — mebejamiet @ 2:08 PM


Scared you, didn’t I?

No? Ok.

Anyhow, I had an order for some Halloween cake pops last week and I’m super excited to show them to you!

The lady who ordered them originally said the teenybites were for her 5-year-old daughter’s class. She also said she didn’t care what I did with them. So…

The cake was a Halloween fun-fetti mix. Super cute.

I thought it would make them even more Halloweeny. Yes, that’s a word.

I won’t describe in detail how much trouble I had with these cute little creations. Just know there was trouble. And lots of it.

But, I worked through the problems and had them ready the night before the little girl was SUPPOSED to take them to her class.

Here they are!

A mummy, one-eyed purple people eater, a pumpkin, and a green monster!

I later found out that the teenybites never made it to school. The poor little girl’s uncle, brother, and dad ate too many of them for her to take!

Oh well! She took her teacher and a few friends some and was perfectly happy with that!

P.S. Sorry there’s only one picture. The others wouldn’t upload for some reason.


A Toy October 18, 2010

Filed under: Everything Else — mebejamiet @ 12:37 PM

I got a new toy a couple of weeks ago.

It was a surprise.

And I was BEYOND thrilled.

I use a hand mixer when mixing cakes. It works wonderfully and has yet to fail me.

However, if you try to mix icing with a hand mixer, you will burn it up.

So don’t try it.

I just saved you $40 – $70.

You’re welcome.

Since I’ve been decorating cakes, cupcakes, and teenybites lately, a hand mixer hasn’t been sufficient. I have been borrowing  a KitchenAid stand mixer from a friend. However, I knew he wanted it back. It was brand new and he only used it once before I stole it.

Anyhow, Mama and I went shopping one Saturday (like we always do) and she told me to check on a KitchenAid mixer.

EXCUSE ME?! For what?!

Apparently, Daddy had been comparing prices on mixers for a while and they planned to buy me one! O.M.G. I was about to be the owner of a brand new KitchenAid mixer! (In case you haven’t realized this little fact just yet…my parents ROCK. I’m sorry they aren’t yours.)

So, we looked around and I found one I wanted. It’s beautiful! It’s Artisian! And, it’s RED!

Oh, and thank you PeeWee for your concern about my having a mixer! Love you!


Gross! October 12, 2010

Filed under: TeenyBites — mebejamiet @ 1:45 PM

I made something last week.

I was told by everyone who saw them that they were gross.

Well good. They are supposed to be.

Halloween is right around the corner, for goodness sakes!

And…I made them for kids.

My kids.

And they’ll eat just about anything.

Except eggs. Ca doesn’t like eggs.

And peanut butter. Girlfriend doesn’t like peanut butter.

But, other than that, they’ll eat anything…even zombie toes!


Touchdown! October 11, 2010

Filed under: TeenyBites — mebejamiet @ 10:16 AM

Last Wednesday, my dear cousin texted me with a request. She asked if I could make those “cake things” with brownies. I told her yes. Then she asked if I could make them in the shape of footballs. I told her yes again. Then, she tells me that she needs them for her boyfriend’s birthday on Monday. I told her that wouldn’t be a problem. Before we ended our conversation, I asked her if she wanted them this weekend, knowing that most people celebrate birthdays on weekends. She told me that it would be nice if I could have them by the weekend. Ok, no problem. It’s only Wednesday.

Then, I remember that I am supposed to be going to watch the triplets Saturday morning. Bob was playing football and the girls were cheering. This meant that I would have to get the footballs to my cousin Friday night.

Wait, what?

I freaked out a little bit.

Then I ate some chocolate.

Then I decided it was feasible.

So, I got to work. I must say that this is one of the best ideas, as far as teenybites go. These little treats were so cute. I would have never thought to make footballs out of these. Such an appropriate idea for this time of year. And they were delicious, too!

My cousin and her boyfriend are both Auburn fans, so she requested that the teenybites be Auburn themed. You’ll have to excuse my piping. My piping skills aren’t quite where they need to be.

I received another text last night that simply said, “Yummmmm!”

Good idea SueSue! I’m glad you guys enjoyed them!


My Little Helper September 23, 2010

Filed under: Everything Else,TeenyBites — mebejamiet @ 10:53 AM

Monday night’s cake class was about decorating cupcakes. On my way to class, my friend Crystal sent me a text that said she wanted me to go to a zumba class with her. I told her that although I definitely needed to go to zumba, I had cake decorating class. She told me that was fine and that she wanted me to bake her a cake.

So, I decorated cupcakes and then called Crystal back. I told her that I was on my way to her house to give her the cupcakes.

Her little girl, who is 2-years-old, was super excited that I was bringing her cupcakes.

While talking with Crystal, I learned that Marissa, her little girl, was supposed to get to decorate cupcakes over the weekend but didn’t get to. I told Crystal that I was baking cupcakes again this week and to bring Rissa to the house and she could decorate them with me.

I began baking cupcakes when I got home yesterday. I quickly remembered that Crystal had my pan that holds 12 cupcakes, which left me with only two pans that hold six cupcakes each. A box of cake makes 24 cupcakes. Then I remembered that I have the mini cupcake pan. So, I made 12 regular size cupcakes and 24 mini cupcakes.

All was well.

Crystal and Rissa showed up a little later in the evening. After Rissa ate her dinner, she was ready to decorate (and eat) cupcakes! I filled two bags with icing and let her go…with her mom’s help!

I love this little girl so much! We told her that she had to put on an apron so she wouldn’t get icing all over her clothes. I pulled out my dad’s camouflage apron to put on her. She wouldn’t have it. She started whining and wouldn’t let me put it over her head. I said, “Hang on one second. I went to my room and grabbed my apron (it was packed for class). You would know, she put it on without a problem. 

Rissa is very much a little fashionista and didn’t like how the camouflage looked. Crystal is in trouble.

But she knows that.

The mini cupcakes turned out cute, too! I was going to put them on skewers, but I went to bed instead!


Birthday Cakes September 20, 2010

Filed under: Everything Else — mebejamiet @ 11:44 AM

Welcome, Monday. Well, you actually aren’t welcome, but you’re here. Therefore, we all have to deal with you.

This weekend FLEW by. Friday night was spent baking cakes. Five cake-cakes, one cookie cake, and 24 cupcakes to be exact. I went to bed at 2:45. None of the cakes were decorated. I had to be an hour from my house at 3:00 on Saturday. One of the cakes I baked was a complete fail. I won’t go into details. Just know that I should have known better.

I woke up around 7:45 on Saturday. The first thing I did was turn on the oven and began greasing my pan. I had to replace the failed cake. I put the cake in the oven to bake for about an hour. A HUGE thanks to my dad for saving the day…again! In the mean time…

I began icing the triplet boy’s cake. We’ll call him Bob. This is the cake I stressed most about. I colored the icing green and went to town. I got the hole thing covered and left it alone. One coat of green icing. No decorations. I hadn’t quite figured this out…although I thought I had.

Then I began icing one of the girls’ cakes. We’ll call this little triplet Girlfriend. Girlfriend’s favorite color (most days) is red. But I told her that I was not making a princess cake with a red dress. It just wasn’t going to be pretty. She told me that pink would do. I was happy. I finished icing Girlfriend’s cake. It was adorable.

In the midst of decorating Girlfriend’s cake, I took the other triplet girl’s cake out of the oven to let it cool. We’ll call the other triplet girl Ca (pronounced Cuh).

While Ca’s cake was cooling, I began decorating the triplets’ older brother’s cake. I have many names for this child, but I will refer to him as Nugget. Nugget was very specific in what he wanted. He wanted a football with Alabama A’s on it instead of laces. I thought, That should be easy enough.



By the time I finished decorating Girlfriend and Nugget’s cakes, Ca’s cake was cool enough to decorate. I finished it and put some finishing touches on Girlfriend’s cake. Then I took a shower.

Three cakes complete…half of one to go.

While I was at home decorating cakes, my dear, wonderful, fantastic, best mother EVER was running around town trying to find either a four wheeler or a fisherman for me to put on Bob’s cake. Mind you, I had run all over town Friday looking for either one and could NOT find anything suitable.

So, my mom gets home around 1:30 and has not one, but three four wheelers! She saved the day too!

I finshed decorating Bob’s cake, fixed my hair, loaded the cakes, and headed North…a little late.

Ok. A lot late.

But, everything worked out.

We got to the party right about the time the cakes needed to be cut!

My babies loved their cakes. Well, Bob loved the four wheeler on his cake. He couldn’t have cared less about the fact that it was what he had asked for. So I stressed for nothing.

The little nugget liked his cookie cake too. He was actually very happy with his cookie cake. I was glad. He turned 11 and I would have hated for him to have a bo-bo cookie cake and his friends pick on him. His cookie was DELICIOUS too! That was only the second time I have made a cookie cake. I don’t remember the first one tasting that good (Sorry Erin!).

Ok, I have kept you in suspense long enough. Here they are! 

There was even a surprise inside the cakes! It would have been a little difficult to put a surprise in the middle of a cookie cake.

Hope you enjoyed the fruits of my laborious Friday night and Saturday morning.

I think I’ll go take a nap now. Remembering Saturday’s events has made me tired…again.


Busy Weekend September 16, 2010

Filed under: Everything Else — mebejamiet @ 11:34 AM

I’m currently in the process of mentally preparing myself for this weekend. You see, this weekend is the triplets’ birthday party. Therefore, I have three birthday cakes to make. The girls wanted princess cakes and the little boy wanted a “Bass Pro” cake. What does that even mean? A “Bass Pro” cake? I told him I wasn’t sure whether I could pull that one off and asked him if a Lightning McQueen cake would suffice. He said it would and then asked if I could put something “Bass Pro” on it too. I quickly realized that I had to figure out a way to make this little booger a “Bass Pro” cake.

And, I did! I was so excited that I had figured out a way to make this cake that I wanted to call and tell him. Here’s how our conversation went:

Triplet: “Hey Miss.”

Me: “Hey buddy. Guess what?!”

Triplet: “What?”

Me: “I figured out a way to make you a Bass Pro cake!”

Triplet: “Ok.”

Me: “Well would you rather have a Bass Pro cake or a Lightning McQueen cake?”

Triplet: “It doesn’t matter. Either one. Hey Miss…did you ummm…did you ummm…did you buy us a present?”

Me: “Of course I bought you a present. What do you think it is?”

Triplet: “I don’t know.”

Indulge me a little, kid! I stress about making this kid a “Bass Pro” cake, and he couldn’t care less now. He asks me for a specific birthday present, and now has no idea what he’s getting from me. My goodness!

And to top this weekend off, I have one more cake to make! PeeWee decided to have the triplets’ older brother’s birthday party with theirs. Turd was very specific about what kind of cake he wants. Lucky for me, his will be the easiest!

Help me!


This will be one fun weekend!

I can’t wait!


As Promised…TeenyBites! September 15, 2010

Filed under: TeenyBites — mebejamiet @ 11:00 PM

Ok, so I had a little problem with the teenybites last night, but do not fret! All is well in TeenyBite world today! My dad purchased some more almond bark for me and, in the process, saved the day!

Now I can post pictures of my teenybites like I promised! So, here they are!

I am even sending some to Bob…although he DOES NOT deserve them!

These are devil’s food cake with vanilla icing. They are covered in milk chocolate almond bark and drizzled with white chocolate almond bark.



Cake Decorating Class – Part Two September 14, 2010

Filed under: Everything Else — mebejamiet @ 10:25 AM

I went to my second cake decorating class last night. It was a mess. First, my crumb coat didn’t set, so I had crumbs in my top layer of icing. Second, the technique we used last night was new to me. Let’s just say I need to practice…a lot. I’m not used to making unsightly cakes. I’m so disappointed in my cake that I refuse to post a picture of it.

Ok, I forgot to take a picture of it.

I took it to a friend as soon as I got out of class.

I didn’t want to look at it anymore.

One good thing did come out of cake class…

I baked two 8-inch cakes and only needed one of them for class. Therefore, I crumpled the other one up, added some vanilla icing, and rolled that gooey mess into little balls. Tonight, I will dip them in chocolate. Tomorrow, I will have pictures, and Whitney should have teenybites!